- Partnership development and convening
- Assessment of partner capacity and local opportunity
- Assessment of community need and interests
- Facilitation of collaborative planning and program design
- Research and sharing of effective practices
- Writing of concept papers and case statements
- Troubleshooting and anticipating obstacles
Technical Assistance & Guidance
- Apprenticeship/pre-apprenticeship development and DOL/DAS registration
- Career pathway design, including multiple on- and off-ramps
- Curriculum design and review
- Use of innovative adult education strategies, especially for English language learners and adults pursuing a GED
- Use of technology and online/hybrid instruction
- Development of on-the-job training components
Funding Strategy/Grant Development (Sustainability)
- Funding strategy development
- Resource development and grant-writing
- Development of braided funding models
Support for the Field (Scale)
- Research and documentation of effective practices
- Coaching for program leadership and staff
- Facilitation of peer connections among like programs
- Creation of and support for regional/statewide communities of practice
- Dissemination via national and statewide networks